May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths work together to create peace among all the people on earth
— William Lee Rand, Founder of ICRT

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a way to maintain healthy body and mind. You do not need to wait for a crisis to receive Reiki. Take a little time-out from the outside world and give loving care to your inner one. Reiki is a Japanese form of stress reduction and deep relaxation that promotes healing and wellness. It is administrated by laying on hands or working above the receiver's body and channeling Universal Life Energy (Ki/Chi/Prana/Ka/Barakah/HolyLight) into Beings (people, animals, plants). It is during the training Reiki practitioner receives the ability to channel Universal Life Energy guided by the Source of All Knowing into the receiver. This ability is passed on from every Reiki teacher to a student and it continues the true Reiki Lineage starting from the founder of Reiki Usui Mikao Sensei since 1922. Reiki comes from a higher level of consciousness. It is powerful and gentle. It creates wholeness through purification, healing, empowerment and guidance. It releases worry, stress and anxiety and replaces them with a deep sense of safety and peace. Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective. It works directly with your Higher Self and your Spirit and it has the potential of developing higher levels of consciousness within you.

Reiki Benefits

  • Rejuvenates your body, mind and spirit.

  • Reduces/eliminates stress and anxiety.

  • Helps to reduce anxiety in people with autism and hyperactive nature.

  • Reduces negative side effects from chemotherapy, surgeries, medications and other invasive procedures.

  • Reduces/eliminates physical and emotional pains.

  • Improves the healing of emotional traumas, depression and addictions.

  • Spontaneously provides guidance for your life experiences and interactions with others.

  • Nurtures you with a deep feeling of being loved and so much more.

  • Always respects your free will to accept receiving it.


How is a Session Conducted?

We start with a small discussion of client's goals for the session (it is optional, ONLY if the client wants to share it). It is very powerful and effective for the best results to set up the intention /positive affirmation for the session.

  • The receiver lies down on a Reiki table, fully-clothed, in a relaxing atmosphere.

  • The practitioner by laying on hands goes through Reiki movement sequence working on the physical body and the whole aura of the receiver.

  • Sessions can be done by keeping practitioner's hands above receiver's body.

  • If needed, there will be work on specific areas and organs.

  • Reiki will work on cleansing, rejuvenating and balancing receiver's energy field, which allows the energy to flow fluently and nourish the receiver on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

  • We will share our sensations at the end of our session. It is always a unique experience!

Depending on the goals, sometimes a special meditation will start our session.

How is a Distant Reiki Session Conducted?

Channeling energy when you are anywhere but not in the same room with me. It is as effective as a session in person. Reiki energy has no limits, all you have to do is to ACCEPT RECEIVING IT . We agree on a time, we will speak before the session and then you just have to relax and enjoy healing energies flowing through you.We will share our experiences after the session.
